Two Months!?

Has it really been 2 months since we last posted? I would feel guilty, but between work, sickness, church, new family members being born, and chasing Ry around, I have been busy!

I thought time flew by during the first year of life…I was wrong. It speeds up even more after they turn 1. After one, the new words, milestones, and changes blur together. While we celebrate Rylan’s new accomplishments, each time he does something new I feel a small twinge of sadness. Each new thing he learns means he is one step farther from being that sweet newborn I once held so close. (insert tears from mom here)

At 14 months Rylan now:
-Climbs constantly. It is as if every piece of furniture in our house is Everest, and he MUST make the expedition.
-Pushes every button or switch he can reach. Our dishwasher seems to always be running…
-Blows kisses like no one’s business! I love it!
-Can tell each morning which one of us will be leaving the house first (I am guessing by the way we are dressed) and will cling tightly to that person in fear of getting left.
-Is still a picky picky eater 😦 Dinner time proves to be quite the challenge. Some of the only foods he will consistently eat are: chicken, french fries, bacon (he really likes bacon), gold fish, apple sauce, yogurt, and the squeeze pouches of veggies from Gerber.
-Although he doesn’t show a ton of interest in TV, he loves Jake and The Neverland Pirates. When the theme song comes on…he stops what he is doing and starts dancing. He never makes it through an episode, he usually moves on after 10 minutes max.
-LOVES being outside, especially if he is riding on something. Bike, toy truck, golf cart, pirate ship, fire truck, turtle…it doesn’t matter to him. If it has wheels, he is all about it.
-Has quite the vocabulary…some of his newer words are:
thank you

Our sweet guy is growing so fast!

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